Monday, April 28, 2008

My Reflection Post of wk.5

There are only a few reading strageties that I'll probably be using this upcoming week. First of all, I need to finish reading the book "The Things They Carried".And after finishing this book, I need to start on my project and then write my essay. But in order to start the project, I need to pick a theme. So what I think will help me out while reading is using post-it notes to tab the pages that I think will be useful for my project.In the pages tab, I'll be planning to highlight the important information that goes with the theme I selected.

A study stragety I will also be using for my reading class will be using flashcards to learn my vocabulary list. This is a stragety I've been using ever since Jr.High to learn all sorts of my vocabulary. So this was nothing new for me. I like to learn in colors so I use different colors in my flashcards for each word. When I can, I like taking my vocabulary flashcards to the mall and study them over there while I walk around to see if I can relate the words to anything in real life perspective.

One learning stragety that really does that help out is always reciting. I know this is part of the SQ3R thing but I don't do the whole process all the time. I only use what I think will work better for me without consuming too much time. And reciting is definately one. This means I study over and review what I've learned. I like to do this through out the day and at night so it can all sink in. And the day after I like to recite it some more.



-Start on English Essay
-Do vocab flashcards
-try to finish reading TTTC
-work on the the TTTC project
-Watch The Hills AHHHHH!

Vocabulary Week 5

"But she believes Rwanda shows thte horrific consequence when such violence happens with impunity, when the belief is allowed to spread that there is no cost for taking human life."
CC: the second part of the paragraph shows more meaning into what the word means, so if it was anyone who didnt know that part of the sentence would help them out.
DEF: exemption from punishment (

"Kagme was also angry at a French judge who insinuated that his men were guilty of shooting down the plane carrying Rwanda's president."
CC: well, by reading the whole sentence it just kind of seems like the word means that its something like of a plan or has to part of a plan
DEF:to instill or infuse subtly or artfully, as into the mind (

"He may have been helping his dad, but Cris was doing damage to himself, encasing his own emotions in a dispassionate shell."
CC: I really dont know what this word means but I have herd this word in the title of a song so when I read it in this sentence I definately highlitgted it and wanted to know what it meant
DEF:to enclose in or as in a case (

Monday, April 21, 2008

Reflection Post

This week coming up will be about one of the best week for me to use study skills and reading strageties I've learned during this semester. Most of the reading strageties would come in use for my English 60 class this week and the upcoming two weeks. I will be reading a variaty of essays that I have to keep in mind of for and upcoming essay I have to write. For the essays I have to read I have to keep good track of and understand creating good point and examples I will use in my essay. In order to do this the most likely thing I'll do is annotate to put my opinions, my questions, my comments or any other thing I'll like to use for my essay. Another thing I'll be using is highlighting main points and unfamiliar vocabulary words (since I'm so used to it now).
For my Philosophy class, nothing much is coming up. Nothing special that would make me do something else out of the ordaniry of the every week homework. Each week, my teacher gives us two reading assingments that would have to deal with the lecture for the next class coming up. While reading my philosophy textbook, im only planning to take notes during my reading. Since there is so much going on in these kinds of books and it's a harder course for me to understand, I honestly don't think that highlighting will really help me out since I would think that most of what I read is important. Too bad, I think I'm going to drop my that class.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Curious Lives of Surrogates

"For Kerry and Lisa-who had a hysterectomy at the age of 20 and could never bear her own children-the benefits were obvious:Ethen and Jonathan,healthy six pound, 12-ounce boys born by C-section on March 20."
Def:noun. excision of the uterus (
CC:Just by reading the sentence and relating to the article I came to realize to it had to be about some kind of medical procedure.

"She enjoyed the somewhat naughty pleasure of telling strangers who asked about her pregnancy, "Oh, they aren't mine," which invariably invoked the question, "Did you have sex with the father?" (In case anyone is wondering, Lisa's eggs were fertilized in vitro with Kerry's sperm before they were implanted on about day five.)"
Def:to call for with earnest desire; make supplication or pray for (
CC:somehow I would think that invoked meant something like shocking or surprising

"It's no wonder many conservative Christians decry the practice as tampering with the miracle of life, while far-left feminists liken gestational carriers to prostitutes who degrade themselves by renting out their bodies."
Def:to lower in dignity or estimation; bring into contempt (
CC:by looking at the context de it made me wonder like going down, something like decrese

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"The book is a deeply personal narrative that takes some liberties with the facts for the sake of a coherent tale."
Def:Logical connected;consistent(
Context Clues:I felt that coherent did mean something to do with connection. This was not my first time hearing this word. It sounded very familiar to me that's I decided to choose it.

"Obama's grandmother, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer pointed out, 'never spraed racial hatred'."
Def:a group of individuals or organizations combined or making a joint effort to undertake some specific duty or carry out specific transactions or negotiations(
CC:When first reading this sentence with the word in it, it kind of made sense to me that syndicated meant like pointed out to a group of people. Maybe like distinguishing them.

"There's no escape from the adolescence and the torrent of questions that accompany it."
Def:a stream of water flowing with great rapidity and violence. (
CC:First reading this sentence with this unfamiliar word sounded,to me, like it would be a large amount or abundance of questions. But now that I know the real definition, the word along with the sentence also makes better sense to me.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Weekly Calender

To Do List:

1.)Finish Hwk
2.)Start on Draft Essay due on Weds.
3.)Practice guitar

Weekly Calender

To Do List:

Monday, March 31, 2008


"It appalls me."
I figured out what this word means by reading all the surrounding sentences since the sentece with the word itself was very short.
Def:to fill or overcome with horror, consternation, or fear; dismay

"In Ohio particularly, Clinton took two out of every three white women, and that split may have had less to do with intercecine debates between soccer moms and tae kwon do moms than with workto feel or express worry, annoyance, discontent, or the likeing-class moms fretting about health insurance."
This was a very long sentence so it did help me out more to try to figure out the meaning of the word. The first thought by reading this, I would've guessed it meant something that relates or intervines.
Def:of or pertaining to conflict or struggle within a group

"In Ohio particulary, Clinton took two out of every three white women, and that split may have had less to do with intercecine debates between soccer moms and tae kwon do moms than with working-class mom fretting about health insurance."
It kinda hit me interesting how there were two unfamiliar words in one long sentence that I did not recognize. By just knowing the topic of this long sentence, it really helped me figure out what the word means. One of the main is that is about the different types of debates between the different types of moms.
Def:to feel or express worry, annoyance, discontent, or the like