Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Curious Lives of Surrogates

"For Kerry and Lisa-who had a hysterectomy at the age of 20 and could never bear her own children-the benefits were obvious:Ethen and Jonathan,healthy six pound, 12-ounce boys born by C-section on March 20."
Def:noun. excision of the uterus (
CC:Just by reading the sentence and relating to the article I came to realize to it had to be about some kind of medical procedure.

"She enjoyed the somewhat naughty pleasure of telling strangers who asked about her pregnancy, "Oh, they aren't mine," which invariably invoked the question, "Did you have sex with the father?" (In case anyone is wondering, Lisa's eggs were fertilized in vitro with Kerry's sperm before they were implanted on about day five.)"
Def:to call for with earnest desire; make supplication or pray for (
CC:somehow I would think that invoked meant something like shocking or surprising

"It's no wonder many conservative Christians decry the practice as tampering with the miracle of life, while far-left feminists liken gestational carriers to prostitutes who degrade themselves by renting out their bodies."
Def:to lower in dignity or estimation; bring into contempt (
CC:by looking at the context de it made me wonder like going down, something like decrese

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